
unusual facts about The American President

National Board of Review Awards 1995

#The American President

Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury

In the 1995 film The American President, White House aide Lewis Rothschild, played by Michael J. Fox, says "Say what you want. It's always the guy in my job that ends up doing 18 months in Danbury minimum security prison."

see also

Bohumil Hrabal

He met the Czech President Václav Havel, the American President Bill Clinton and the US ambassador to the UN Madeleine Albright at U zlatého tygra on 11 January 1994.

Civis romanus sum

In 1963, the phrase inspired the American president John F. Kennedy to proclaim, "Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was 'civis romanus sum'. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is 'Ich bin ein Berliner'."

Cypriot intercommunal violence

Turkey threatened to intervene once more, but was prevented by a strongly worded letter from the American President Lyndon B. Johnson, anxious to avoid a conflict between NATO allies Greece and Turkey at the height of the Cold War.

Donnelly Rhodes

Rhodes provides the voice of the American president at the start of each episode of the CBC Radio One space opera/comedy series Canadia: 2056.

Hilary Minster

Minster provided the narration for the controversial Central television documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy, which outlined various theories concerning the assassination of the American president John F. Kennedy.

History of Poland during World War I

The defection of Russia from the Allied coalition gave free rein to the calls of Woodrow Wilson, the American president, to transform the war into a crusade to spread democracy and liberate the Poles and other peoples from the suzerainty of the Central Powers.

Oughter Ard

In the film Mission: Impossible , Tom Cruise's character is told that the American President is unavailable "because he is fishing in Oughter Ard Co Kildare."

Presidential debate

United States presidential election debates, debates that occur between the main candidates for the American President, often after the primary elections.

Roosevelt College

Named in honor of the American president Franklin D. Roosevelt, its former name was Roosevelt Memorial High School.

Roosevelt College Marikina

Roosevelt College Marikina is a private non-sectarian college named in honor of the American president Franklin D. Roosevelt.

World War I reparations

Under the Hoover Moratorium of June 1931 issued by the American president Herbert Hoover, which was designed to deal with the world-wide financial crisis caused by the bankruptcy of the Creditanstalt in May 1931, Germany ceased paying reparations.