A fifth novel published in 2005 seeks to combine the Ballantyne narrative with that of Smith's other family saga, The Courtney Novels.
Courtney Pine | Courtney Love | Waverley Novels | Youth Novels | Four Great Classical Novels | Courtney Paris | Nicholas Courtney | Publishers Weekly list of bestselling novels in the United States in the 1900s | Courtney Taylor-Taylor | Courtney Robinson | Courtney Johns | Courtney Cummz | Courtney Campbell Causeway | Courtney | List of Kino's Journey light novels#Gakuen Kino | Jon Courtney | John Courtney Murray | James Courtney | Henry Courtney Selous | Dirty Blonde: The Diaries of Courtney Love | Courtney Jaye | Courtney Abbot | children's novels | Waverley novels | Tom Courtney | Thomas J. Courtney | The Top 100 Crime Novels of All Time | the ''Solar Queen'' novels | The Santangelo Novels | "The Howling" series of novels |