
unusual facts about The Dubliner


Bryan MacDonald

Best known in Ireland for being the Dubliner's Diary columnist in The Evening Herald and theatre critic of The Daily Mail, he has also contributed to RTÉ, The Dubliner and Vanity Fair.

see also

Joshua Pim

His first tennis triumph was in 1890, when he won both the English and Irish doubles championships alongside the Dubliner, Frank Stoker, a cousin of the writer Bram Stoker.

Justin Keating

In the aftermath of President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's "World Without Zionism" speech in 2005, Keating published an Op-ed in The Dubliner Magazine, expressing his views on Israel.

St. Marys Chapel of Ease, Dublin

It was the favorite Church of infamous English Poet Sir John Betjeman and the Dubliner Austin Clarke.