
unusual facts about The Golden Dawn

International Artists

The label is famous for its roster of well-known Texas psychedelic rock bands, including The 13th Floor Elevators, The Red Crayola and Bubble Puppy, as well as lesser known bands such as The Golden Dawn, Lost And Found and Endle St. Cloud.

see also

Anna Sprengel

According to William Wynn Westcott, with whom he claimed she entered into voluminous correspondence, Anna Sprengel was born in Nuremberg and was responsible for the foundation of the Golden Dawn around 1886.

In 1901 Mathers, leader of the Golden Dawn, briefly supported the claim of Swami Laura Horos, who had long campaigned for recognition as that countess, to have written Westcott as Anna Sprengel.

Hermetic Qabalah

Many of the Golden Dawn's rituals were published by Crowley, altered in various ways to align them with his own New Aeon magickal approach.

The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn

In temple work, the OSOGD uses Egyptian, Enochian and Thelemic godforms in preference to the Judeo-Christian Archangels typical of the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

William Wynn Westcott

He continued to head the S.R.I.A. and later was involved with the Golden Dawn breakaway Stella Matutina.