
unusual facts about The Last Word

Libertas Ireland

O'Malley said that Ireland should close its borders to workers from other EU countries while appearing on The Last Word on Today FM.

see also

Aidan McGrath

McGrath appeared on Today FM's the Last Word to discuss issues that concerned young people, in particular, the reintroduction of Third Level College Fees.

Arne Andersson

However, Hägg had the last word when he ran (4:01.4) in Malmö in 1945 (Hägg's record was not broken until Roger Bannister ran the first sub-4 Mile in Oxford in 1954).


The issue of King Charles II was a coin of copper with the famed reverse inscription nemo me impune lacessit (no one provokes me with impunity) although, the last word at this time on the coin is spelled "Lacesset".

Codex Sangermanensis I

In 1865, Johann Gildemeister (1812-1890), later Professor of Oriental Languages at the University of Bonn, personally discovered that dormibunt was the last word of one leaf of the Codex Sangermanensis and primus (with a small P) the beginning word on the next leaf - but that one leaf which had once been between them had been cut out of the Codex.

Daniel J. Travanti

In January–March 2007, Travanti appeared off-Broadway in Oren Safdie's The Last Word... at the Theater at St. Clements in New York City, and in November–December 2008, Travanti played the "Con Melody" in an off-off Broadway production of Eugene O'Neill's A Touch of the Poet for Friendly Fire Theater in New York.

Desidério Murcho

He translated several philosophy works (including Logics, by William Newton-Smith, and The Last Word, by Thomas Nagel).

Gunder Hägg

However, Hägg had the last word when he ran 4:01.4 in Malmö in 1945 (Hägg's record was not broken until Roger Bannister ran the first sub-4 mile in Oxford in 1954).

Histoires ou contes du temps passé

Children's literature scholar Jack Zipes speculates that Perrault's fairy tales may have been written to be the last word in a decade-long literary quarrel.

Kenneth Maxwell

Maxwell claims that key Council on Foreign Relations acting at Kissinger's behest put pressure on Foreign Affairs editor, James Hoge, to give the last word in a subsequent exchange about the review to William D. Rogers, a close associate of Kissinger's, rather than to Maxwell; this went against established Foreign Affairs policy.

Martin Kitcher

Martin wrote the soundtrack for the documentary "The Last Word" about the Frank Bruno v Joe Bugner 1987 boxing match for the British Commonwealth championship held in White Hart Lane London.


This show was originally called The Last Word and hosted alternately by Stanley Johnson, Mark Dolan, Hardeep Singh Kohli and David Mitchell and occasional special guest hosts such as Morgan Spurlock.

Zyzzyxdonta alata

The name, given to the snail by malacologist Alan Solem, is the last word in many species dictionaries, just after Zyzzyx; however, they both, in fact, precede Zyzzyzus.