
unusual facts about The Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, the Great


In 1020 Duke Sancho VI ceded the jurisdiction over Labourd and what came to be known as Lower Navarre, to King Sancho III the Great of Pamplona.

Sarah Fielding

David Simple is an analog, in a sense, to the figure of Heartsfree, in Henry Fielding's Jonathan Wild and Squire Allworthy in his Tom Jones.


For example, in October 1763 King Frederick II of Brandenburg-Prussia granted Moses Mendelssohn, until then under protection by being employed by a Patentjude, a personal, uninheritable privilege, which assured his right to undisturbed residence in Berlin.

Smolny Institute

The building was commissioned from Giacomo Quarenghi by the Society for Education of Noble Maidens and constructed in 1806–08 to house the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens, established at the urging of Ivan Betskoy and in accordance with a decree of Catherine II (the Great) in 1764, borrowing its name from the nearby Smolny Convent.

Whitton, North Lincolnshire

Roman Coins of Claudius Gothicus (268–270 AD) and Constantine I (the Great) (309–337 AD) have been found in the fields.

see also