
unusual facts about The Long Run

Eagles Greatest Hits, Vol. 2

The compilation features 8 combined tracks from Hotel California and The Long Run as well as "After the Thrill Is Gone", an album track from One of These Nights, and "Seven Bridges Road", the single from 1980's Eagles Live.

see also

1992–93 S.S. Lazio season

Of greater importance in the long run, however, was Sergio Cragnotti's purchase of the club, and left-wing player Giuseppe Signori.

Anarchism in China

Nationalists also argued that only by building a popular front could the Nationalist movement defeat the Manchus and the Qing dynasties, and that in the long run if anarchism was to have any chance to succeed it must necessarily be preceded by a Republican system that would make China secure.

Artie Lange's Beer League

Christopher Null of Filmcritic.com, however, noted that "a whole lot of lewd potty humor that doesn't really add up to anything substantial, a guilty pleasure of sorts when taken in small bursts, but which grows somewhat tiresome in the long run"

Catastrophe theory

Catastrophe theory, which originated with the work of the French mathematician René Thom in the 1960s, and became very popular due to the efforts of Christopher Zeeman in the 1970s, considers the special case where the long-run stable equilibrium can be identified with the minimum of a smooth, well-defined potential function (Lyapunov function).

Goal setting

This can reduce self-efficacy and thereby harm the performance outcomes in the long run.

Heinrich Carl von Schimmelmann

His legacy has been attacked – not without justification – because the state takeover of the Bank of Copenhagen in 1773 in the long run led to inflation due to the unhealthy temptation of printing money whenever the state needed it.

Jack of Shadows

In Daniel Keys Moran’s novel, The Long Run, the protagonist Trent Castanaveras is rescued from a low Lunar orbit by a stealth spacecraft from the Spacefarers Collective called the "Jack of Shadows".

Long run and short run

A famous critique of neglecting short-run analysis was by John Maynard Keynes, who wrote that "In the long run, we are all dead," referring to the long-run proposition of the quantity theory of, for example, a doubling of the money supply doubling the price level.

Musa Qala

In the long run, however, attempts to win over the population appear to have failed, especially under the NATO strategy of air bombing which killed more than 4,600 Afghan noncombatants from 2001 to 2006, according to a study by University of New Hampshire economist Marc W. Herold.

Nazi views on Catholicism

Richard J. Evans wrote that Hitler believed that in the long run National Socialism and religion would not be able to co-exist, and stressed repeatedly that Nazism was a secular ideology, founded on modern science: "Science, he declared, would easily destroy the last remaining vestiges of superstition".

Roy Amara

"We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.", which was paraphrased by Robert X. Cringely, and is sometimes known as Amara's Law.

Therapy cap

The American Heart Association concluded that the Medicare caps are costing the government more money in the long run, especially to stroke patients.