The New Masses | Music for the Masses | Monument to the Masses |
The movement of major radical pamphlets such as Emma Goldman's Mother Earth and Max Eastman's The Masses through the mail was slowed drastically, and often such pamphlets were never delivered.
Where, however, the rigorous exposition of laws worked hardship on the masses, he did not scruple to modify the decisions of his colleagues for the benefit of the community (Shabbat 134b; Yer. Shabbat xvii. 16b; Yer. Mo'ed Katan i. 80b).
Jim Hogshire, 1976 - Author of Opium For The Masses and You Are Going To Prison
Between 1970 and 1972 the Carlist Party organised Congresses of the Carlist People in Arbonne, in which it adopted a program for the ideological change of Carlism towards self-management socialism and the conversion of PC into a federal and democratic party of the masses, of class, which aspired to a socialist based monarchy in a pact between the dynasty and the people.
More recently Dr Standish has collaborated with Dr. Elena V. Pitjeva and Dr. Agnes Fienga on the topic of a better determination of the Astronomical Unit and of the masses of the asteroids.
Two days later, while the French actually retreated on Metz (taking seven hours to cover 5 to 6 miles) the masses of the Germans gathered in front of Bazaine's Army at Gravelotte, intercepting his communication with the interior of France.
Without Dynamix and Sierra Entertainment bringing franchise play and serious stat-crunching to the masses, games like Front Office Football and Action! PC Football would have been hard pressed to build substantial followings.
He went on to earn a PhD in musicology from Boston University in 1960 after writing a doctoral thesis entitled The masses of Claudin de Sermisy.
The Geoscope continues to inspire inter-disciplinary thinkers including emerging designer Paul Abacus, who has updated the concept as a "data cathedral for the masses" using interactive new media displays and real time data visualizations.
In 1846, when Sir Moses Montefiore visited the synagogue, the treasurers distributed entrance tickets to the masses of people.
After working with Clouser, Opiate for the Masses reconvened in Los Angeles to write and record their full length debut for Warcon/American Voodoo entitled The Spore, which also marked the beginning of Kaufman’s career as a producer.
Whereas the central Maoist leaders encouraged the masses to criticize reactionary "ideas" and "habits" among the alleged 5% of bad cadres, giving them a chance to "turn over a new leaf" after they had undergone "thought reform," the ultra-left argued that cultural revolution had to give way to political revolution "in which one class overthrows another class".
Main Azaad Hoon is a 1989 Hindi film, an Indian adaptation of 1941 Frank Capra film, Meet John Doe by Javed Akhtar about an opportunistic journalist who concocts a fictitious man in a fictitious article to boost newspaper sales, but when the article gets huge response, she finds an unemployed man to sit in as Azaad, "man of the masses".
In Strasbourg, Bucer joined a team of notable reformers: Zell, who took the role of the preacher to the masses; Wolfgang Capito, the most influential theologian in the city; and Caspar Hedio, the cathedral preacher.
He said the impetus behind the march was the masses of African Americans, who were angry and threatening to march on the White House and the Capitol.
In a move to prevent Williams from using the military against the masses, a portion of the Regiment stationed at Teteron (on the Chaguaramas Peninsula), led by Lieutenants Shah and Rex Lassalle mutinied.
" This was also to influence the minds of the masses of black people from continuing to worship King George of England.
The book’s title brings up this question of why the fat of society refuses to "trickle down" to the masses.
Popularly known as Bunty among the masses, he has previously held the posts of Minister of Rural Development, Food & Drugs Administration.
Shin was influenced by older-generation activist poets, so-called "poets of the masses" (minjung shiin), such as Kim Nam-ju and Shin Kyeong-nim, and genuinely anguished over the problem of the path literature should take in society and history.
Even although, in his Treatise on Toleration (1763), the famous French liberal philosopher Voltaire expressed a distaste for religious fanaticism, he was at the same time convinced that religion could be a useful tool to keep the masses under control.
Minister of Interior Gamawan Fauzi tried to calm the masses by reminding them that the riot was originally an ordinary criminal incident, which accidentally involved two different ethnic groups.
Her original songs for the campaign Denim and Wassup are featured on the American Eagle Outfitters website and were circulated to the masses through their social media campaign.
George L. Mosse, The Nationalization of the Masses: Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars through the Third Reich (New York: Howard Fertig, 1975).