
unusual facts about The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show

Leslie Segrete

Segrete currently writes monthly columns for two magazines, do! and House Beautiful She also co-hosts (with Tom Kraeutler) a syndicated call-in radio show on home improvement called The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show which in 2013 was broadcast on 300 stations nationwide.

Tom Kraeutler

Kraeutler co-hosts (with Leslie Segrete) the nationally syndicated The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show broadcast on more than 300 stations every weekend, reaching an audience of more than 3 million listeners.


WETR airs "Life changing talk radio" that includes Bill Bennett, Dr. Laura, Dave Ramsey, and Hugh Hewitt, plus Costas on the Radio, Watchdog on Wall Street, Sports Spectrum, Forbes Radio, The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show, and Laura Ingraham on Saturdays, and Todd Feinberg, Steppin' Out, Small Business Advocate, Christian programming and several "Best of" shows on Sundays.

see also