
unusual facts about The Organization Man

Park Forest, Illinois

In 1956, William Whyte, an editor at Fortune magazine, published a book called The Organization Man that defined the nature of corporate life for a generation.

The Society of the Spectacle

In thesis 192, Debord mentions some of American sociologists who have described the general project of developed capitalism which "aims to recapture the fragmented worker as a personality well integrated in the group;" the examples mentioned by Debord are David Riesman, author of The Lonely Crowd (1950), and William H. Whyte, author of the 1956 bestseller The Organization Man.

see also

Holly White

William H. Whyte (1917–1999), known as Holly White, American sociologist and author of the 1956 book The Organization Man

William Whyte

William H. Whyte (1917–1999), sociologist and author of The Organization Man