
unusual facts about The Prodigal Son

Boris Kochno

Kochno wrote the libretto of Stravinsky's Mavra (1921), the Fâcheux (1924), La Chatte (1927) and of the ballet The Prodigal Son (1929).

Neill Sanders

Neill was a personal friend of Benjamin Britten and played principal horn for the Aldeburgh Festival, taking part in the première and first recordings of the Church Parables Curlew River, The Burning Fiery Furnace and The Prodigal Son.

see also

Hans Feibusch

He worked in a number of Anglican churches in the Diocese of Chichester, including the Pilgrim's progress at St Elisabeth's Eastbourne, Christ in Majesty at St Mary's Church, Goring-by-Sea, the Prodigal Son in All Saints, Iden, and St John Baptising Christ in the baptistery at Chichester Cathedral.


The flute melody at the beginning of “Black Widow” is a clip from a Miami Vice background theme from the Season 2 Episode 1 episode “The Prodigal Son”, composed by Jan Hammer.

Tears of the Prodigal Son

The poem Tears of the Prodigal Son draws on the well-known biblical Parable of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15:11-32, the basis of which forms a story on a father forgiving his son's spendthriftness and greed, after the son comes back home remorseful of his actions.