
unusual facts about The Prophet

Brennan Heart

Brennan Heart has remixed songs by many other hardstyle artists, such as Headhunterz, Technoboy and The Prophet.

see also


Abishabis or Small Eyes (died 30 August 1843) was a religious leader of the Cree First Nation who became the prophet of a millenarian religious movement that swept through the Cree communities of northern Manitoba and Ontario during the 1840s.

Abraham Samuel

In 1698, early in the career of John Cruger (the elder), the Mayor of New York from 1739 till his death in 1744), while he was "a mere youth" he was appointed as Supercargo under Captain (see Captain (nautical)) Appel of the Prophet Daniel, to buy slaves for what was by then a regular "slaver" (slave ship) out of New York.

Al-Is Caravan Raid

Ibn Kathīr commented that Mūsā ibn ‘Uqbah quoted Ibn Shihāb al-Zuhri as saying that the Prophet had dispatched Ḥamzah before ‘Ubaydah ibn al-Ḥārith. He maintained that Ḥamzah's mission came before the expedition to al-Abwā'. And that when the Messenger of Allah returned from al-Abwā’, he dispatched ‘Ubaydah b.

Al-Kumayt ibn Zayd al-Asadi

He believes that al-Kumayt wanted the caliphate to be given to the Banu Hashim, but not necessarily the family of the Prophet.


Medina, a city in Saudi Arabia mentioned in the qoran as the place where the prophet Muhammed lived after fleeing from Mecca.

Amadou Bamba

The universal dimension of this Servant of the Prophet, authenticates "Qutb"1 (pole of its time) was not long in appearing and one visited him from all the horizons, as it was the case of this Cherif of Médine, Mawlay Ahmad Tibri which made print specimens of "Masaalik-ul Jinaan" (a treaty of Sufism of the Sheik) or of this descendant of Abu Bakr Siddiq (khalif of Islam) which came from Mecca visit to the Holy Man.

Andreas Gottlieb Hoffmann

Hoffmann was the author of an acclaimed work on Syriac grammar (Grammatica syriaca) (1827), and was responsible for a German version of the Book of Enoch based on Richard Laurence's "Book of Enoch the Prophet" called Das Buch Henoch in vollständiger Uebersetzung.

Aril Edvardsen

Aril Edvardsen was a proponent of reconciliation between Christians and Muslims, and in 2004 directed heavy criticism against Carl I. Hagen, then leader of the Progress Party, for Hagen's derisive comments against the prophet Muhammad.

Arkadi Monastery

The Ottoman army then turned toward Roustika, where Mustafa spent the night in the monastery of the prophet Elie, while his army camped in the villages of Roustika and Aghios Konstantinos.

Battle of Adasa

According to 2 Maccabees 15, Judas inspired his troops by relating to them a dream-vision he had experienced, wherein the Prophet Jeremiah presented a gold sword to him and said, "Accept this holy sword as a gift from God; with it you shall crush your adversaries." (2 Maccabees 15:15-16, NAB).

Book of Ezekiel

In the 1st century AD the historian Josephus said that the prophet wrote two books: he may have had in mind the Apocryphon of Ezekiel, a 1st-century BC text that expands on the doctrine of resurrection.

Book of Micah

Chapter 1:1 identifies the prophet as "Micah of Moresheth" (a town in southern Judah), and states that he lived during the reigns of Yehotam, Ahaz and Hezekiah, roughly 750–700 BC.

Carmel, Maine

The first settlers were Abel Ruggles and the Rev. Paul Ruggles, who named the place to honor the prophet Elijah's experience on Mount Carmel.

Dalak people

A claim is now being made that they are descended from Salman Al Farsi, a Sahabah of the Prophet Mohammad, hence the new name Salmani meaning a descendent of Salman.


The origin of this act goes back to the birth of Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Hasan ibn Ali when the prophet's daughter Fatimah gave out colored sugar cubes to the people in celebration of her new born child on the 15th of Ramadan.

Hatib bin Abi Balta'ah

Hatib bin Abi Balta'ah delivered the prophet Muhammad's letter to the Ruler of Egypt, Maqauqos the Copt.

Homegrown terrorism

Colleen LaRose, aka 'Jihad Jane,' Fatima LaRose: arrested October 2009, & Jamie Paulin-Ramirez: arrested March 2010, for recruiting individuals for violent jihad in the West and plotting to murder Swedish artist Lars Vilks, for having made a drawing depicting the Prophet Muhammad's head on the body of a dog.

International reactions to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy

On February 14, Italy's Reform Minister Roberto Calderoli had T-shirts made emblazoned with cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a move likely to embarrass Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government.

Juan Bautista Villalpando

Villalpando's major work as a scholar was a commentary on the prophet Ezekiel, which was published with the support of Philip II.


The Abbasi branch claims their lineage to Al-Abbas, an uncle of the prophet Muhammad.

Kargil district

At least until recently, some Kargilis, especially those of the Agha families descendants of Syed preachers who were in a direct line descent from the Prophet Muhammad, were sent to Iraq for their education.

Khalid Abdul Muhammad

In 1983, Minister Farrakhan named him Khalid after the Islamic general Khalid ibn al-Walid, a follower of the prophet Muhammad, calling him the Sword of Allah.

Khalifah bin Said of Zanzibar

According to their sister Emily Ruete, Barghash did not release Khalifah before one of their sisters prepared to set out for a pilgrimage for Mecca, and "he did not want to bring down upon himself a curse pronounced in the Holy City of the Prophet. But his sister did not pardon him before he had set free the innocent Chalîfe."


His writings included an explanation of the verses of the Quran in his book Taj Al-Tafaseer, a concise and immaculate description of the story of the birth of the prophet Muhammad Al-Asrar Al-Rabaniya and over 112 literary poems on the description of the attributes and praise of the prophet Muhammad.

Mandombe script

Mandombe or Mandombé, is a script proposed in 1978 in Mbanza-Ngungu in the Bas-Congo province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo by Wabeladio Payi, who related that it was revealed to him by Simon Kimbangu, the prophet of the Kimbanguist Church, in a dream.

Manolya Onur

She was also a granddaughter-in-law of His Imperial Majesty Sultan Abdülmecid II, Emperor of the Ottomans, Commander of the Faithful and "Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe and Caliph of Islam".

Matthew 2:5

This verse mainly serves as a lead into the next one, which is a quote from Micah 5:1-3, and Micah is thus the prophet mentioned here.

Mihtarlam District

Mihtarlam derives its name from Mihtarlam baba (Lamech), who was purported to be the father of the prophet Noah.

Military career of Ali

Al Seerah of Ibn Hisham narrates he killed 20 people; Abdul Malik Ibn Husham, Al Seerah Al Nabaweyah (Biography of the Prophet), Published by Mustafa Al Babi Al Halabi, Egypt, 1955 A.D, Part 2 page.


Aisha said, "The Prophet said, "It (i.e. Siwak) is a purification for the mouth and it is a way of seeking the acceptance of God.

The Prophet said, "If somebody eats or drinks forgetfully then he should complete his fast, for what he has eaten or drunk, has been given to him by God."

Mohammed Saeed Harib

Recently, Harib has been working on filming an animated documentary called Al Naby (The Prophet) with Roger Allers; the director of The Lion King, and Salma Hayek.

Monumental Cemetery of Bonaria

Opposite is the Chapelle family mausoleum (1910) containing a massive marble statue of the Prophet Ezekiel, by Giuseppe Sartorio.

Moses ben Jacob Cordovero

According to Jewish legend, it was reported that the prophet Elijah revealed himself to him.

Mount Hor

Since Josephus it has been identified with the Jebel Nebi Harun ("Mountain of the Prophet Aaron" in Arabic), a twin-peaked mountain 4780 feet above sea-level (6072 feet above the Dead Sea) in the Edomite Mountains on the east side of the Jordan-Arabah valley.


The customs of the Arabs before Prophet Muhammad are pretty accurately known to us; we have also a mass of information about the affairs of Mecca at the time when the Prophet arose; but no trace of this or anything like it is found in really good and ancient authorities.

Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources

Sources used are Ibn Ishaq (references here are to Ferdinand Wüstenfeld’s edition of Sirat Rasul Allah, a life of the Prophet by Muhammad ibn Ishaq in the annotated recension of Ibn Hisham).

Night Journey

Isra and Mi'raj, a Night Journey taken by the Prophet Muhammad in 621, an event of major importance in Islam


After the prophet Mohammed and his testator heir and successor Abu Bakr (+634) established the theocratic rule of Islam on the mostly of the sparsely populated Arabian peninsula, the armies of the next caliphs victoriously planted the green banner of the new religion in the vast territories conquered from the neighboring giaur (infidel) empires of Persia and Byzantium.

Seven Out of Time

Also present are many historical people who disappeared mysteriously, including the poet François Villon, King Arthur, the lost Dauphin, John Orth of Austria, and the Prophet Elijah.


For Muslims, the Chain of Authenticity is an important way to ascertain the validity of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (also known as a Hadith).

Sufi poetry

Bahr-ul-Uloom Muhammad Abdul Qadeer Siddiqi Qadri Hasrat's "Kulliyyat-e-Hasrat" (Collection of Poetry in devotion to the Prophet and other Sufis).

Talking tree

The weeping Date palm tree: The Prophet Muhammad, when delivering his sermons used to stand by or lean on a date palm tree.

Tell Mar Elias

The site, northwest of Ajlun, has long been identified with Tishbe, mentioned in the Bible as the hometown or region of the Prophet Elijah (Elias or Eliya, in Arabic).

The Gilded Six Bits

Biblical Allusions: In Hosea 1:2, considering the story of Hosea, it is found that the prophet commanded to "marry an adulterous wife" as it can be compared to Hosea and Joe with Gomer and Missie May.

The Hundred-word Eulogy

The Hundred-word Eulogy (百字讃 bǎizìzàn) is a 100-character praise of Islam, Allah, and the prophet Muhammad written by the Hongwu Emperor of China (r. 1368-1398).

The Spaceships of Ezekiel

The Spaceships of Ezekiel (1974) is a book by Josef F. Blumrich (March 17, 1913 – February 10, 2002) on a spaceship that was supposedly observed by the prophet Ezekiel, written while the author was chief of NASA's systems layout branch of the program development office at the Marshall Space Flight Center.

Virgin birth of Jesus

David Strauss in The Life of Jesus, suggests that Isaiah was referring to events of his own time, and that the young woman in question may have been "perhaps the prophet's own wife".

Wabar craters

In 1932, St. John Philby was hunting for a city named Ubar, that the Qur'an describes being destroyed by God for defying the Prophet Hud.