
unusual facts about The Shells

The Cutting Room

Among those who have performed at The Cutting Room are Norah Jones, Sheryl Crow, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kid Rock, Vanessa Carlton, Lady Gaga, Sandra Bernhard, Mini-Kiss, and The Shells.

see also

Amphidromus perversus

The shells from Sepandjang are in Chicago Natural History Museum, no. 97808, in the Zoological Museum in Amsterdam, and in Butot; Djukung specimens are in the Zoological Museum in Amsterdam; and topotypes from Bajutan are in Chicago Natural History Museum, no. 97806, and in Butot and the Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam, Some additional material from Kangean Island (USNM 468416, Paravicini!) was seen after the description had been written.

Drilus flavescens

They live on the ground in the shells of snails (frequently Fruticicola fruticum O. F. Müller, 1774), feeding of the inhabitants, previously killed with a poisonous bite and sucked in with the help of digestive enzymes.


The shells of some genera, particularly Yochelcionella, also possessed a "snorkel"-like opening which was most likely used for breathing.

Le Canon de Kra

The shells are actually meant for a giant German World War II railway cannon, and a despotic madman is not hesitant to use the weapon against the government of the small state of Kampong to underscore his demands.

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works

"The T-34 was a sensation. This 26-ton Russian tank was armed with a 76.2 mm gun shells that pierced the armor of German tanks with a 1.5 - 2 thousand meters, at the same time when the German tanks could punch Russian with a maximum range of 500 meters, and then only in when the shells fell in the vehicle or the rear part of the T - 34" - Connoisseur of military equipment German General Erich Schneider.


In merindinlogun divination, the shells are thrown and the number of shells that fall with the opening facing up is associated with a certain odu (for example, five shells up represent Oshe, while eight shells up represent Ogbe).

Mining in Mongolia

They get the name from the resemblance the green bowls they carry on their backs (which are used to pan for gold) have to the shells of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Mulinia coloradoensis

Isotope analysis of oxygen in the shells of the clam have also been used to independently estimate rates of salinity, and the results from this approach were found to correspond with observations of the prevalence of the clam shells, and also to agree with numerical models proposed in the past.

Noisy Pitta

Its diet includes some fruit and it cracks open the shells of molluscs such as the giant panda snail (Hedleyella falconeri) on an anvil, a stone or other hard surface habitually used for this purpose.


The shells were then assembled, at the Nevis Laboratories of Columbia University, using graphite spacers machined to constrain the glass to the conical shape, and held together by epoxy.

Order of the Ship and the Mussel

The shells were representing the war and the harbour of Aigues-Mortes, from which the knights embarked for the cruisade.

Paludiscala de oro snail

This name was given by its discoverer, the American malacologist Dwight Taylor, who said the name was a loose translation of his "original remarks at seeing the shells," which are surprisingly similar to those of a predominantly marine family, the wentletraps or Epitoniidae.


The unwanted material is periodically ejected (usually through the inhalant siphon or aperture) by contractions of the adductor muscles, which "clap" the shells together, pushing most of the water out of the mantle cavity and forcibly ejecting both the feces and the pseudofeces.

Puka shell

A very glossy patina indicates that the shells in a necklace have been tumble polished.


Empty serpulid shells can sometimes be confused with the shells of a family of marine gastropod mollusks, the Vermetidae.


Because of all this, the shells resemble the calcareous tubes of certain marine worms, for example worms in the polychaete family Serpulidae.