
unusual facts about The Statement of Randolph Carter

Mark Kinsey Stephenson

Mark Kinsey Stephenson is an American-born actor most famous for his role as Randolph Carter in the H.P. Lovecraft film adaptation named The Unnamable and its sequel The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter; the latter covered the whole of Lovecraft's story, The Statement of Randolph Carter, in about ten minutes.

Harley Warren

Harley Warren is a mysterious occultist who appears in H. P. Lovecraft's story "The Statement of Randolph Carter" as a friend of Carter (in the dream the story was based on Samuel Loveman was the Warren character).

Samuel Loveman

Lovecraft's story "The Statement of Randolph Carter" was based on a dream he had, which included Loveman who became Harley Warren in the story.

see also