
unusual facts about The Submarines

Mr. Shovel's Check One Two

Some of the more notable names that received early support from Indie 103.1 and Check One Two were The Airborne Toxic Event, Silversun Pickups, She Wants Revenge, Cold War Kids, Warpaint, and The Submarines.

see also

CC-class submarine

They were originally purchased by the province of British Columbia from a shipbuilder in Seattle, Washington, which had built the submarines for the Chilean Navy.


Unemployedin 1933, Chyetverikov turned to the division for design for gliders and propeller-driven sleighs (OSGA) of NII GVF(Naoochno-Issledovatel'skiy Institoot Grazdahnskovo Vozdooshnovo Flota - scientific test institute for civil air fleet) with the proposal for creation of aircraft for the submarines (SPL and Hydro-1).

Convoy ON 207

BdU(Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote, Commander of the Submarines) re-organized the boats then in the North Atlantic into patrol line Siegfried to continue the offensive.

EML Kalev

In the period of 1937-1940 the submarines Lembit and Kalev were the most imposing naval vessels of the Estonian Navy.

Frederic John Walker

Two of the submarines, U-462, a Type XIV, and U-504, a Type IX/C40, were then sunk by Walker's group, and the second Type XIV, U-461, by Australian Short Sunderland flying boat.

Mare Island Naval Shipyard

Mare Island's military and civilian workforce raised almost $76M in war bonds; enough to pay for every one of the submarines built at MINSY prior to VJ Day.