
4 unusual facts about The Tombs|

John F. Dickson

He was also the longtime head of the Tombs Police Court and one of the oldest serving police officers on the police force at the time of his death in 1880.

When Inspector Thomas F. Byrnes became head of the detective squad, he was sent to the Tombs Police Court where he remained for the rest of his career.

Liam Mellows

After this insurrection failed, Mellows escaped to the United States, where he was arrested and detained without trial in the "Tombs" prison, New York, on a charge of attempting to aid the German side in the First World War.

Louis B. Brodsky

Louis B. Brodsky was a magistrate in The Tombs court in New York City who made a progressive ruling regarding dancers and nudity in April 1935.

see also

2006 al-Askari Mosque bombing

After the crimes against the places of worship, including the blowing up of the mausoleum in Samarra and the attacks against the tombs of Salman the Persian and Imam Ali bin Mussa al-Rida, the tribes must take a stand and claim a role in the protection of these sites.

Bell's Hill Burial Ground

Wildflowers include common knapweed and lady's bedstraw, while brambles and roses climb the tombs in wilder areas.

Bispham Parish Church

The churchyard contains the tombs of many shipwreck victims, including the captain and crew of the brig Favourite, which sank off Blackpool in 1865, and passengers from the Ocean Monarch, which caught fire in the Irish Sea in 1848.

Cathedral of Petrópolis

The church has Imperial mausoleum which has the remains of Former Emperor D. Pedro II, Empress Teresa Cristina, Isabel, Princess Imperial of Brazil and Prince Gaston, Count of Eu, in addition to the tombs of Pedro de Alcântara, Prince of Grão-Pará and his wife Countess Elisabeth Dobržensky de Dobrženicz, were brought here in 1939.


The tombs (Maidams) of Ahom kings and queens at Charaideo hillocks are comparable to the Pyramids of Egypt and are objects of wonder revealing the excellent architecture and skill of the sculptors and masons of Assam of the medieval days.

Childeric II

He was buried in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, near Paris, where the tombs of him, Bilichild, and his infant son Dagobert were discovered in 1645; the contents were pilfered.

Cimitero Monumentale di Milano

Many of the tombs belong to noted industrialist dynasties, and have been designed by renowned artists such as Giò Ponti, Arturo Martini, Lucio Fontana, Medardo Rosso, Giacomo Manzù, Floriano Bodini, and Giò Pomodoro.

Claus Sluter

Sluter was one of the sculptors of the famous mourners of Dijon, which occupy niches below the tombs of Philip the Bold, his wife Margaret, and John the Fearless.

Colombia–Spain relations

Cartagena was founded on June 1, 1533 by Spanish commander Pedro de Heredia, and grew rapidly, fueled first by the gold in the tombs of the Sinú Culture, and later by trade.

Dušan Jurkovič

Among the best known of his later works is the tombs of Jozef Miloslav Hurban and Milan Rastislav Štefánik, monument to Slovak National Uprising, and the cable car station at Lomnický štít in the High Tatras mountains.

Edwin C. Brock

He also worked in the tombs of Merenptah (KV8) and Amenmeses (KV10), along with Otto Schaden and the Theban Mapping Project (of which he was a member from 1997 to 2004).


In 1936 Aurel Stein, a British archaeologist and explorer wrote about the tomb and defensive constructions further along, and Wolfram Kleiss prepared sketches of the tombs.

Fort Canning

"We have lately built a small bungalow on Singapore Hill where, though the height is inconsiderable, we find a great difference in climate. Nothing can be more interesting and beautiful than the view from this spot. The tombs of the Malay Kings are close at hand, and I have settled that if it is my fate to die here I shall take my place amongst them: this will at any rate be better than leaving my bones at Bencoolen…" - Raffles in a letter to William Marsden in 1823.

Giza West Field

The presence of Reserve heads and slab stela points to the reign of Khufu for the construction of the earliest of the tombs in this cemetery.

Gülüstan, Nakhchivan

Inside the recesses were covered with the neaty designs as it exists in the tombs of Ajami Nakhchivani.

History of flower arrangement

Garlands of flowers were worn by loved ones and left at the tombs.

Jade burial suit

The discovery in 1968 of two complete jade suits in the tombs of Liu Sheng and Dou Wan in Mancheng, Hebei, finally proved their existence.

James Hervey

In addition to this, the sombre and sweeping tone of his Meditations Among The Tombs (for example, "the dreadful pleasure inspired by gazing at fallen monuments and mouldering tombs") has led to his being placed amongst the 18th Century 'Graveyard School' of poets, rendering his work an important influence on Horace Walpole’s 'The Castle of Otranto' of 1764 and consequently, the entire genre of Gothic Literature and the later Romanticism which the genre fuelled.

Jezzar Pasha Mosque

Adjacent to the mosque is a mausoleum and small graveyard containing the tombs of Jezzar Pasha and his successor, Suleiman Pasha, and their relatives.

Justina of Padua

The tombs of several saints are housed in the interior, including those of Justina, Prosdocimus, St. Maximus, St. Urius, St. Felicitas, St. Julian, as well as relics of the Apostle St. Matthias and the Evangelist St. Luke.

La Trinità della Cava

The church of the monastery has the tombs of Queen Sibylla of Burgundy (died 1150), second consort of King Roger II of Sicily, and a number of notable ecclesiastics.

Leopold Kaufmann

He worked for the artistic adornment of the cemetery of Bonn, of the tombs of Schiller's widow and his son Ernst, those of the composer Robert Schumann, and the poet August Wilhelm Schlegel.

Lobsang Palden Yeshe, 6th Panchen Lama

The tombs from the Fifth to the Ninth Panchen Lamas were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution and have been rebuilt by the 10th Panchen Lama with a huge tomb at Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse, known as the Tashi Langyar.

Los Pinchudos

Due to the tombs' deteriorated condition, a result of seismic activity, exposure to the harsh tropical environment, and damage by tourists, Los Pinchudos was listed in the 2000 World Monuments Watch by the World Monuments Fund.

Mansur Ali Khan

The place where he was buried in coincidence was the only available space left in the line of the tombs of the Nazims, and were subsequently removed for interment at Karbala in Iraq, in pursuance of his will.

Mithridates I of Parthia

After having gained full control over the recently conquered regions, Mithridates established royal residences at Seleucia, Ecbatana, Ctesiphon and his newly founded city, Mithradatkert (Nisa, Turkmenistan), where the tombs of the Arsacid kings were built and maintained.

Northern Dynasties tombs of Ci County

The Northern Dynasties tombs of Ci County, Handan, Hebei, China consist of the tombs of the royalties and nobilities of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi, two of the Northern Dynasties of Chinese history.

Paigah Tombs

The tombs are magnificent structures, decorated in stucco work, and represent the Moghal,Greek,Persian, Asaf Jahi, Rajasthani and Deccani style of architecture.

Paon de Roet

The tomb, along with the tombs of many others, including John of Gaunt and Blanche of Lancaster's, were completely destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666.

Qutb Shahi Tombs

The tombs are domed structures built on a square base surrounded by pointed arches, a distinctive style that blends Persian, Pashtun and Hindu forms.

Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty

The tombs are in a park, the entrance of which is 340 metres from Seolleung Station.

Scythian art

Felt appliqué wall hangings have been found at the tombs at Pazyryk displaying the Great Goddess and anthropomorphic beasts, others show geometric and animal motifs.

The Classified Forest, the Madarounfa Lake and the Tombs of the 99 saints

The Classified Forest, the Madarounfa Lake and the Tombs of the 99 saints are located in the Madarounfa Department, Maradi Region, of Niger.


Each week, followers come to visit the tombs of religious leaders, especially that of El-Hadji Malick Sy.

Tombs of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings in Egypt was sometimes known as the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings (see, for example, H. Carter, "Report on tomb-pit opened on the 26th January 1901 in the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings", Les annales du service des antiquités de l’égypte 2 (1901).

Wanyan Xiyin

The tombs of Wanyan Xiyin and his family members are said to be located near the city of Shulan in Jilin Province.

Worth Matravers

The tombs of Benjamin Jesty, a farmer who is reported to have vaccinated his family against Smallpox having made the same observations as Edward Jenner and a while earlier, but kept quiet about it, and his wife are side by side in the churchyard.