
unusual facts about Theatreworks


Jenny Lovell

During her time with the company, Jenny has produced, directed and starred in various impro formats, including many seasons of Theatresports, which for the past 5 years has been held at Theatreworks in St. Kilda.

Ng Yi-Sheng

His performed plays include "Serve' (The Ordinary Theatre), "Snake" (Stage Right), "Redhill Blues" (Creative Arts Alumni Programme, Republic Polytechnic), "Hungry" (Theatreworks, Singapore Polytechnic, Anderson Secondary School and International Islamic University, Malaysia). One of his plays formed the core of "Poetic Licence", a performance poetry production by STAGES presented in 2002 and 2005.

Rebecca Dines

She has performed numerous times for Palo Alto-based Theatreworks, as well as Kansas City, Berkeley, San Jose, and South Coast Repertory theatres, Magic and B Street theatres, and the Laguna Playhouse, among others.

Victoria Matlock

Once in New York, Victoria auditioned for many different shows and was cast in TheatreWorks USA's production of Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile as Mrs. Primm.

see also