
3 unusual facts about Theo van Gogh

Baas B

After the murder of Theo van Gogh on 2 November 2004 the single "Zinloos" was adapted and some of the lyrics amended to mourn in death.

Enclosed Field with Peasant

Enclosed Field with Peasant was inherited by van Gogh's brother, Theo van Gogh after his brother's death.


After the murder of Theo van Gogh Yes-R joined Riza in being featured on Ninthe single in the song "Actueel vandaag" (meaning "News Today").

Gabriel RĂ­os

His song Broad Daylight was used by the late Dutch film director Theo van Gogh in the film 06/05 (concerning the assassination of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn).

May 6th

The Dutch film, 06/05, by Theo van Gogh, titled May 6th in English-speaking countries.

Simon Heere Heeresma

A Day at the Beach (1962) was made into a movie twice: first in 1970 by Simon Hesera (A Day at the Beach) and in 1984 by Dutch cineast Theo van Gogh.

see also


For the finances of this movie, Theo van Gogh drove a bargain with Dutch internet provider Tiscali.

Paul Gauguin's exhibit at Les XX, 1889

Theo van Gogh had forwarded Octave Maus's invitation to Gauguin when Gauguin was already in Arles.