
unusual facts about Third Wish II, The Rest of the Story, Almost

June Wandrey

Mann's book garnered significant public and media attention, leading to numerous television, radio and personal appearances, including on The Larry King Show, NBC Nightly News and the Paul Harvey Show, among others.

Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story

The radio series on which the book was based, also named The Rest of the Story, was produced from 1976 until 2009, when Paul Harvey died.

Robert Fulghum

He has written a novel in three volumes, the first, titled Third Wish, was continued in Third Wish II, The Rest of the Story, Almost and completed with the third volume, "Third Wish, Granted".

The Huckabee Report

On March 23, 2009, The Huckabee Report replaced News and Comment with Gil Gross and The Rest of the Story with Doug Limerick on all network stations that still carried them.

The Rest of the Story

From its inception, the scripts for the series had been drafted and the broadcasts produced by Harvey's son Paul Harvey, Jr., who in later years of his father's career also acted as a substitute host.

see also