
unusual facts about Thomas Bentley

Matthew Turner

In a footnote, Turner was the man who introduced Josiah Wedgwood to Thomas Bentley in Liverpool, a friendship which led to the formation of the company that produced the famous pottery.

Moses Solanus

Returning to England, he completed an edition of Plutarch's Lives (5 vols. London, 1729); it had been started by Augustine Bryan, and Thomas Bentley had then proposed to continue it.

Trent and Mersey Canal

Wedgwood, intent to have a waterway connection to his potteries, managed to send his proposal to parliament, with the help of two of his friends, Thomas Bentley, and Dr. Erasmus Darwin.

see also

The Monument of Matrones

The Monument was compiled by Thomas Bentley, then a student of Gray's Inn, in a bid for royal patronage, and issued by the printer Henry Denham in 1582, just as the cult of Elizabeth I as the Virgin Queen was emerging.