
unusual facts about Thomas Dixon

Boston Guardian

When Thomas Dixon's play The Clansman (1905) was performed in Boston, the Guardian mounted a campaign that forced it from the stage.

Caleb Rotheram

He was educated at the grammar school of Great Blencow, Cumberland, under Anthony Ireland, and prepared for the Presbyterian ministry in the academy of Thomas Dixon at Whitehaven.

Charles Lisner

Queensland Ballet studio seasons are performed in The Charles Lisner Studio Theatre of the Thomas Dixon Centre

Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics

Wyn Craig Wade has asserted that Edward Douglass White, the Chief Justice of the United States from 1910 to 1921, told Thomas Dixon "I was a member of the Klan" at the 1915 White House screening of The Birth of a Nation.

see also

Yukon Field Force

Authorized on 21 March 1898 and commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Dixon Byron Evans of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, the force consisted of 5 Staff, 16 Royal Canadian Dragoons, 49 men of the Royal Canadian Artillery and 133 men of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Infantry armed with Lee-Enfield .303 rifles, two Maxim guns and two bronze seven-pounder cannons.