
unusual facts about Thomas Edward Seymour

Everything Moves Alone

Everything Moves Alone is a 2001 independent comedy film produced by the Hale Manor Collective, a trio of Connecticut filmmakers consisting of Mike Aransky, Phil Guerrette and Thomas Edward Seymour.

Land of College Prophets

The Land of College Prophets is a 2005 independent comedy film produced by the Hale Manor Collective, a trio of Connecticut filmmakers consisting of Mike Aransky, Phil Guerrette and Thomas Edward Seymour.

Thrill Kill Jack in Hale Manor

Thrill Kill Jack in Hale Manor is a 2000 independent comedy film produced by the Hale Manor Collective, a trio of Connecticut filmmakers consisting of Mike Aransky, Phil Guerrette and Thomas Edward Seymour.

see also