
unusual facts about Thomas Malthus

Hertford County Hospital

Subscribers included Professor T. R. Malthus, Baron Dimsdale and Earl Cowper, By 1835, the financial crisis had limited the number of in-patient beds to 10, but during the following years this number was increased.

Mirza Abutaleb Zanjani

He also had knowledge of ideas of his contemporary European intellects such as Thomas Malthus and Charles Darwin, and used their views in his essays.

Political Justice

In 1798, the Reverend Thomas Malthus published An Essay on the Principle of Population, which was largely written as a refutation of the ideas of Godwin and the Marquis de Condorcet.

see also

Irruptive growth

As Thomas Malthus described in his essay on the Principle of Population, human overpopulation is a serious issue, and one which can only become more pressing.