
unusual facts about Thomas Moule

Twyford, Hampshire

In Thomas Moule's English Counties 1837 edition, Twyford is referred to as: "on the river Itchin sic, 3 miles S. from the City of Winchester, contains 169 houses and 1048 inhabitants. The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary,is a vicarage, value £12 12s. 8d., in the patronage of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. In the chancel is a mural monument, with a bust, by Joseph Nollekens, in memory of Dr. Jonathan Shipley, Bishop of St. Asaph, who died in the year 1788."

see also


In 1838 Thomas Moule noted ancestral family portraits at the Hall, particularly one of Sir Thomas Heneage, Vice-Chamberlain of the Household and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster to Queen Elizabeth.