The town was initially known as "Upper Wairau", and then as "Renwicktown" after an early landowner, Dr Thomas Renwick.
The club was incorporated on February 2, 1883, with John Norquay as Club Patron, Thomas Renwick as President, and George Galt as Club Captain.
Thomas Jefferson | Thomas Edison | Thomas | Thomas Hardy | Thomas Mann | Thomas Aquinas | Clarence Thomas | Thomas Gainsborough | Dylan Thomas | Thomas Pynchon | St. Thomas | Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands | Thomas Carlyle | Thomas the Tank Engine | Thomas Moore | Thomas Cromwell | Thomas Becket | Thomas the Apostle | Thomas Merton | Thomas Tallis | Thomas Paine | Roy Thomas | Thomas Telford | Thomas More | Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford | Ryan Thomas | C. Thomas Howell | Thomas Kean | Thomas Gage | Thomas Eakins |