
6 unusual facts about Thomas Rymer

Catiline His Conspiracy

Thomas Rymer praised the play's subject matter but condemned Jonson's violations of decorum.

Henri de Boulainvilliers

For instance, when stressing the importance of sources in developing fact, he contrasted Thomas Rymer's way of access to the London archives to that of his own where he had to bribe the keepers of the French archives.

Heroic drama

The emphasis on unities and on maintaining only Classically proscribed dramatic forms also came from Thomas Rymer, who condemned the heterogeneity of the stage.

John of Strathbogie, Earl of Atholl

Rymer, Thomas,Foedera Conventiones, Literae et cuiuscunque generis Acta Publica inter Reges Angliae.

Robert Gould

Shepheard was a confidante to Matthew Prior and Thomas Rymer, and Shepheard gave both financial aid to Gould and personal friendship (Sloan).

The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border

"Thomas Rymer" ("True Thomas lay on Huntlie bank;/ A ferlie he spièd wi' his e'e")

Fleetwood Sheppard

Charles Gildon, Thomas Rymer, and John Dennis dedicated volumes of literary criticism to Sheppard, and John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester regarded Sheppard as the only critic he needed for his verses.

Timeline of Shakespeare criticism

Samuel Johnson, 1765 The Plays of William Shakespeare: "Shakespeare's adherence to general nature has exposed him to the censure of criticks, who form their judgments upon narrower principles. Dennis and Rymer think his Romans not sufficiently Roman; and Voltaire censures his kings as not completely royal. ... These are the petty cavils of petty minds."

see also