
unusual facts about Thomas Szasz

Richard Vatz

Vatz has won the Thomas Szasz Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Cause of Civil Liberties.

Critical Psychiatry Network

Psychiatrists such as David Cooper, R.D Laing and Thomas Szasz(although the latter two rejected the term) were identified as part of a movement against psychiatry in the 1960s and 1970s.

CPN has similarities and contrasts with earlier criticisms of conventional psychiatric practice, for example those associated with David Cooper, Ronald Laing and Thomas Szasz.

Haven Institute

Some notable ones have been Virginia Satir, Erv and Miriam Polster, Paul Reps, Carl Whitaker, Paul Lowe, James Bugental, Thomas Szasz, Bill O'Hanlon, Maria Gomori and Joanna Macy.

Lawrence D. Mass

He conducted and published many interviews with such leading figures in the discourse as Judd Marmor, Richard Pillard, Thomas Szasz, John Money, Charles Silverstein, Masters and Johnson, Richard Green, Mary Calderone, John Boswell, John D'Emilio and Estelle Freedman, and Martin Duberman.

Richard Bentall

A review by Paul Broks in The Sunday Times summarized its position as: "Like Szasz, Bentall is firmly opposed to the biomedical model, but he also takes issue with extreme social relativists who would deny the reality of madness."

see also