Happy Days | Around the World in Eighty Days | Days of our Lives | Three Days Grace | Hundred Days | The Last Days of Pompeii | Sopwith Camel | Death Valley Days | Days of Our Lives | Camel | Around the World in Eighty Days (novel) | Days of Heaven | 28 Days | Days Inn | Seven Days Battles | 30 Days of Night | Days of Thunder | The Last Days of Disco | The Last Days | Michael Palin: Around the World in 80 Days | Latter Days | Glory Days (musical) | Glory Days | Around the World in Eighty Days (Verne novel) | Around the World in Eighty Days (1956 film) | 40 Days and 40 Nights | 28 Days Later | 28 Days (film) | The Last Days of Pompeii (1935 film) | Some of These Days |
He was originally guitarist for a multitude of underground bands including Xerox Girls (pop punk - 1992), Photographing Girls (psychedelic pop/rock - 1992-4), Three Days By Camel (Instrumental/experimental 1993-4), Salem Orchid (death/black/psychedelic metal 1994 - precursor to Akercocke) and eventually turned bassist with indie rock band Fosca and latterly British progressive death metal band Akercocke from 1997-2007 with whom he recorded four full length studio albums.