
unusual facts about Thrupp

Arthur Thomas Thrupp

Thrupp was promoted to commander on 17 September 1858, and served as commander aboard HMS Desperate in the North American Station and the West Indies, from 30 July 1862 to 7 November 1863.

Frederick Thrupp

Thrupp executed the monument to Lady Coleridge at Ottery St. Mary in Devon; the reredos representing the Last Supper in St. Clement's, York; and the monument to Hugh Nicholas Pearson in Sonning Church, Berkshire, in 1883.

Thrupp also made the acquaintance of Bertel Thorvaldsen, and formed friendships among the English colony of artists at Rome.

By his first wife, Mary Burgon, Joseph was father of Dorothea Ann Thrupp the hymn-writer, and of John Augustus Thrupp (1785–1814), the father of John Thrupp the historian; also of Charles Joseph Thrupp, the father of Admiral Arthur Thomas Thrupp.

John Thrupp

Born on 5 February 1817, he was the eldest son of John Augustus Thrupp (1785–1844) of Spanish Place, Manchester Square, London, himself the eldest son of Joseph Thrupp of Paddington Green, by his first wife, Mary Burgon.

After his father died and left him money, Thrupp spent time on archæology and chess, through which he knew Henry Thomas Buckle.

see also