
unusual facts about Tom Foley

Speaker Foley

Tom Foley (born 1929 in Spokane, Washington), Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives 1989–1995

Congressional Post Office scandal

A new investigation was started by the United States Postal Service, which eventually submitted a report which was held in silence by Speaker Thomas Foley (D-WA) until media reports of embezzlement and money laundering leaked out in 1992.

James T. Molloy

He was elected Doorkeeper of the House in 1974, and remained at that post through the 103rd Congress, serving as a primary aide to Speakers Carl Albert, Tip O'Neill, James Wright, and Tom Foley.

Lorraine Miller

Pelosi is the third Democratic Speaker of the House that Miller will be working for, having worked for Tom Foley and Jim Wright in the past.

McKinney–Vento Homeless Assistance Act

Sponsored by Representative Tom Foley (D-WA), the bill was named after Representatives Stewart McKinney (R-CT) and Bruce Vento (D-MN).

Susan Bysiewicz

On November 3, one day after the general election, Bysiewicz announced that Democratic candidate Dannel Malloy was the unofficial winner of the governor race, beating Republican Tom Foley.

see also

Larry Crawford

He is a graduate of Miami Palmetto High School and was a teammate of Tom Foley, currently the third-base coach for the Tampa Bay Rays.