Tom Shales of The Washington Post praised "Gary and Tony", calling it "an intimate and affecting portrait of what happens when partners in a same-sex marriage set out to secure for themselves a blessed event, the limits of biology notwithstanding".
The Washington Post remarked of the show's "compelling grandeur"; reviewer Tom Shales noted how contemporary nature films would inevitably be compared with the BBC classics, Planet Earth and Life.
Tom Shales of The Washington Post called the episode deeply hilarious and described the plot as a "bittersweet riot".
Tom Shales of the Washington Post writes that "Poehler's show unfortunately isn't worthy of her".
Two books about the network, ESPN: The Uncensored Biography (2000) by former New York Times sportswriter Michael Freeman and 2011's These Guys Have All the Fun (by Washington Post writers James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales), recount allegations of sexual harassment.
Tom Shales, a television critic of the The Washington Post, lambasted the film in a November 11, 2007 review.
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As opposed to a TV critic such as the Posts Tom Shales, de Moraes's columns deal mainly with the business of television, such as scheduling and Nielsen ratings.