Noteworthy participants in the Echo message forum included Star Wars authors Roger MacBride Allen, Kevin J. Anderson, Brian Daley, Barbara Hambly, Shane Johnson, Vonda McIntyre, L. Neil Smith, Kathy Tyers, Tom Veitch, Timothy Zahn — along with occasional Lucasfilm representatives, West End Games freelancers, and employees of Dark Horse Comics.
Tom Hanks | Tom Waits | Tom Jones | Tom Jones (singer) | Tom Cruise | Tom and Jerry | Uncle Tom's Cabin | Tom Petty | Tom Stoppard | Tom Clancy | Tom Wolfe | Tom Selleck | Tom Baker | Tom Brokaw | Tom Robinson | Tom Mix | Tom | Tom Paxton | Tom DeLay | Tom Sawyer | Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers | Tom Joyner | Tom Harkin | Tom Green | Tom Brady | Tom Ridge | Tom Berenger | Tom Robbins | Tom Harrell | Tom Morello |
The Light and Darkness War is a six-issue comic book limited series written by Tom Veitch and drawn by Cam Kennedy published by Epic Comics, an imprint of Marvel Comics.