University of Santo Tomas | Tomás Luis de Victoria | Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk | Santo Tomás District | Tomas Leandersson | Santo Tomás District, Chumbivilcas | Tomas Venclova | Tomas Haake | Tomás Arias | Rector Magnificus of the University of Santo Tomas | Mapua Institute of Technology | Tomás Maldonado | Tomáš Bezdeda | Tomas Arana | Santo Tomás District, Luya | Mapúa Institute of Technology | University of Santo Tomas College of Education | Tomás Taveira | Tomas Lindberg | Tomás Gutiérrez Alea | Tomás Eloy Martínez | Tomás de Torres | Tomás de Iriarte y Oropesa | Tomás de Bhaldraithe | Tomas Alfredson | Tomas | Santo Tomás | University of Santo Tomas Field | University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery | University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Civil Law |
During this time the professors then were outstanding architects and engineers of the period, such as Tomas Arguelles, Tomas Mapua, Juan F. Nakpil, Fernando H. Ocampo, and Andres Luna de San Pedro.