In 1997, Cream Abdul Babar entered the studio with Tallahassee-based recording engineer, Tommy Hamilton, and exited with their first full-length record, "The Backwater of Masculine Ethics." The band toured the entire US several times on this release, including 10–15 shows in Atlanta, GA alone.
Hamilton | Hamilton, Ontario | Hamilton, New Zealand | Hamilton Tiger-Cats | Tommy Dorsey | Tommy Hilfiger | Alexander Hamilton | Hamilton College | Tommy Thompson | Hamilton College (New York) | Hamilton County, Ohio | Hamilton, Bermuda | Tommy | Tommy Steele | Tommy Lee | Josh Hamilton | Booz Allen Hamilton | Tommy Lee Jones | Hamilton, New York | Tommy Emmanuel | Lewis Hamilton | Lee H. Hamilton | Hamilton County | Tommy Sheridan | Tommy Robredo | Tommy Chong | Scott Hamilton | William Rowan Hamilton | Peter F. Hamilton | Linda Hamilton |