
unusual facts about Tongren


Kayue culture

The Kayue culture was mainly distributed in the territory of the contemporary Minhe, Ledu, Ping'an, Xining, Huzhu, Datong, Haiyan, Gangca (Gangcha), Tongren and Huangzhong counties, where more than 200 sites and over 1,000 graves were found.

Kutlug I Bilge Kagan

8. Xiyawu 奚牙勿 ; six Tele tribes in the confederation, Boke, Hun, Bayyrku, Tongren, Syge, and Kibir, had an equal status with the Uigurs; the reduced Basmils numbered eight tribes, and Karluks had three tribes calld Uch-Karkuk (Three Karkuks).

see also