
unusual facts about Tony Abbott

Australia at the 2012 Summer Paralympics

Congratulatory messages were from Acting Prime Minister Wayne Swan, Minister for Sport Kate Lundy and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

Bernie Banton

In October 2007, in the midst of the 2007 federal election campaign, Banton expressed his disgust at Minister for Health Tony Abbott, calling him "a gutless creep" for not attending an arranged meeting at his electorate office in Sydney to be presented with a petition to include a mesothelioma drug on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

David Hawker

After a motion regarding share trading was moved by Kelvin Thomson, the Member for Wills, on 25 May 2006, Leader of the House Tony Abbott referred to Thomson indirectly using unparliamentary language by moving the motion "that that snivelling grub be no longer heard".

Peter van Onselen

He also hosts Australian Agenda on Sunday mornings, a joint production between Sky News and The Australian newspaper, interviewing politicians such as Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott, John Howard, Barry O'Farrell and Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

see also

Mystery Writers of America

The category of Best Juvenile Mystery is also part of the Edgar Award, with such notable recipients as Barbara Brooks Wallace having won the honor twice, for The Twin in the Tavern in 1994 and Sparrows in the Scullery in 1998, and Tony Abbott for his novel The Postcard, which received critical accolades in 2009.