
unusual facts about Tony Coelho

Robert A. Altman

Altman is known for having several former high level members of the Democratic Party of his acquaintance including Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe,Former United States House of Representatives Majority Whip Tony Coelho, and Former Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell of Maine.

American Association of People with Disabilities

The AAPD was founded on July 25, 1995 by Paul Hearne, Senator Bob Dole, John Kemp, Justin Dart, Tony Coelho, Pat Wright, Jim Weisman, Lex Frieden, Sylvia Walker, Paul Marchand, Fred Fay, I. King Jordan, Denise Figueroa, Judi Chamberlin, Bill Demby, Deborah Kaplan, Nancy Bloch, Max Starkloff, Mike Auberger, Neil Jacobson, Ralph Neas, Ron Hartley and others.

Lives Worth Living

The documentary intersperses archival footage with first-person interviews with disability rights activists who fought discrimination such as Fred Fay, I. King Jordan, Judi Chamberlin and Judith Heumann, and with legislators who helped draft and secure the passage of the ADA, including Tony Coelho and Tom Harkin.

see also