
unusual facts about Tony Gould

Jacqui Grantford

Some of the well known people included in the exhibition were Harold Mitchell AC, Tony Gould AM, Simon Madden, Damien Oliver, Catherine Crock, Christi Malthouse, Andrew Rule, Danny Finley, Mike Brady, James Money, Robina Beard OAM, Ann James, Stephanie Copus-Campbell, Geoff Cox (Coxy), Diego Velasco and Gemma Sisia.

Eugene Ball

Ball has performed with many other jazz and contemporary musicians including Paul Grabowsky, Mike Nock, Tony Gould, Graeme Lyall, Don Burrows, Jamie Cullum and John Butler; and with groups The Hoodangers, the Andrea Keller Quartet, the Allan Browne Quintet, the Australian Art Orchestra, the Bennetts Lane Big Band and the Ball/Magnusson/Talia trio.

see also