Olivia Barber (Tonya Lee Williams)
Olivia, is the old child of Walter and Lillie Belle, and is favored by her mother, because is the planned child.
In 1991, rising Jabot Cosmetics executive trainee Neil Winters becomes involved in a love quadrangle with Drucilla Barber (Victoria Rowell), Olivia Barber (Tonya Lee Williams), and Nathan Hastings (Nathan Purdee).
John Williams | Robert E. Lee | Spike Lee | Robin Williams | Robbie Williams | Tennessee Williams | Jerry Lee Lewis | Bruce Lee | Williams College | Peggy Lee | Ralph Vaughan Williams | Lee Konitz | John Lee Hooker | Christopher Lee | Lee | Ted Williams | Stan Lee | Lee Kuan Yew | Vanessa L. Williams | Jamie Lee Curtis | Ang Lee | William Carlos Williams | Washington and Lee University | Tim Berners-Lee | Lee Hsien Loong | Hank Williams, Jr. | Hank Williams | Don Williams | Williams | Lee Strasberg |