
2 unusual facts about Treaty of Berlin

Sanjak of Tirhala

Thessaly remained in Ottoman hands until 26 June 1881, when it was handed over to Greece under the terms of the Treaty of Berlin.

Treaty of Berlin

Treaty of Berlin (1878), which recognized an autonomous Bulgarian principality and the independence of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro from the Ottoman Empire


-- Referenced sentence starts here: -->In 1878, Kačanik was intended to become a part of the Principality of Bulgaria according to the Treaty of San Stefano, but per the Treaty of Berlin it was returned to the Ottomans.

Krastyo Krastev

Along with a wave of Bulgarian refugees, his family had to move to the newly established Principality of Bulgaria in 1878, as Pirot was ceded to the Principality of Serbia by the Treaty of Berlin.

Nikola Stoyanov

Following the end of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877–78 and the subsequent Treaty of Berlin, Dojran remained outside the newly established Principality of Bulgaria.

Pazardzhik Province

According to the Treaty of Berlin after the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878 the region was included in the autonomous region Eastern Rumelia which united with the Principality of Bulgaria on 6 September 1885.

Petrich, Sofia Province

According to the Treaty of Berlin of 1878 the border between the liberated Principality of Bulgaria and the autonomous Eastern Rumelia followed the summit of the Balkan mountains and went southwards between Pirdop and Dushintsi eventually following the Topolnitsa river at Petrich.

Vassal and tributary states of the Ottoman Empire

Eastern Rumelia (Doğu Rumeli), 1878–1885: established by the Treaty of Berlin on 13 July 1878 as an autonomous province; joined to the tributary Principality of Bulgaria on 6 September 1885 but remained de jure under Ottoman suzerainty; independent along with the rest of Bulgaria on 5 October 1908.

see also