Library of Congress | American Library Association | Harry S. Truman | New York Public Library | United States presidential election, 2004 | British Library | Bodleian Library | United States presidential election, 2008 | United States presidential election, 2000 | United States presidential election, 1884 | Truman Capote | presidential election | United States presidential election, 1960 | National Library of Australia | library | Library | Barack Obama presidential campaign, 2008 | State Library of New South Wales | John McCain presidential campaign, 2008 | United States presidential election, 1992 | United States presidential election, 1988 | United States presidential election, 1972 | Presidential Medal of Freedom | Huntington Library | United States presidential election, 1968 | Library Journal | Carnegie library | United States presidential election, 1980 | Truman | State Library of Victoria |
His projects include such major tourist attractions as the Ellis Isand Immigration Museum, the Statue of Liberty Museum, the Truman Presidential Library, and the redesigned Star-Spangled Banner exhibition at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.