
unusual facts about US citizenship

Danish West Indian Islands sale referendum, 1916

In particular the conservative party Højre opposed it on the grounds that the treaty did not ensure the local population a vote on the matter, and that it did not grant them US citizenship or freedom from customs duty on the export of sugar to the United States.

George W. F. Hallgarten

Hallgartens grandfather Charles Hallgarten has had US citizenship, but G. W. F. Hallgarten had to re-naturalize as an American in 1942.

see also

Calvert Vaux

In 1856, he gained US citizenship and became identified with the city’s artistic community, “the guild,” joining the National Academy of Design, as well as the Century Club.

Gerardo Sandoval

Sandoval introduced a resolution "condemning the defamatory language used by talk radio host Michael Savage" after Savage criticized illegal alien protesters who were fasting in support of the controversial DREAM Act, which would give qualifying illegal aliens a path to US citizenship as well as enable them to receive tax payer funded in-state college tuition.