
unusual facts about Under Heavy Fire

The Boys in Company C

The Boys in Company C is the first in Furie's Vietnam War trilogy, followed by 2001's Under Heavy Fire and 2006's The Veteran, somewhat similar to Oliver Stone and his Vietnam War trilogy with 1986's Platoon, 1989's Born on the Fourth of July and 1993's Heaven & Earth.

see also

7th Queen's Own Hussars

In one of these battles by the river Rapti the 7th won their second Victoria Cross when as the regiment were pursuing a band of rebels over the river, they came under heavy fire from the far bank and notwithstanding the peril Major Charles Fraser dived into the river to save three non-swimmers stranded in the middle of the sandbank.

Alfred Jacobs

He won the Military Medal for his actions on 29-30 September 1918 at Bellicourt, where he evacuated the wounded under heavy fire for thirty-six hours continuously.

Battle of Ganghwa

Under heavy fire, Carpenter Cyrus Hayden planted the American flag on top of the Korean fort, an act which earned him the medal as well.

Bernard Vann

He was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions on 29 September 1918 at Bellenglise and Lehaucourt, France, where he led his battalion across the Canal de Saint-Quentin through thick fog and under heavy fire.

Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

Quebec Premier Jean Charest came under heavy fire when the $39.8 billion loss was revealed, with some accusing him of calling the 2008 snap election prior to the Caisse's troubles becoming public.

Christian Fleetwood

Now carrying the American flag, Fleetwood continued forward under heavy fire until it became clear that the unit could not penetrate the enemy defenses.

Draper Kauffman

As commander of UDT 5, he participated in the invasion of Saipan, and received a second Navy Cross for leading his team in a daylight reconnaissance of fortified enemy beaches under heavy fire, and on 10 July 1944, leading a night reconnaissance of heavily defended beaches at Tinian island.

Edgar Towner

During June 1918, Towner led a machine gun section in attack near Morlancourt and assisted the infantry in reaching its objectives under heavy fire, for which he was awarded the Military Cross.

Ernest White

At Strazeele in April 1918 he reconnoitred the front line under heavy fire, winning the Military Cross and a mention in despatches.

Gunbar, New South Wales

  William Jackson was awarded the Victoria Cross in 1916 for selfless courage under heavy fire while rescuing his comrades near Armentières in France during World War I.

John Sherwood-Kelly

On 20 November 1917 during the Battle of Cambrai at Marcoing, France, when a party of men were held upon the near side of a canal by heavy rifle fire, Lieutenant Colonel Sherwood Kelly at once ordered covering fire, personally led his leading company across the canal and then reconnoitered, under heavy fire, the high ground held by the enemy.


During the Siege of Lucknow on the 16 November 1857 at Lucknow, India, Private Irwin showed conspicuous bravery at the assault on the Secundra Bagh when, although severely wounded through the right shoulder, he was one of the first to enter the building under heavy fire.

Roden Cutler

During the period between 19 June and 6 July, in the Merdjayoun-Damour area of Syria, and as part of the Battle of Merdjayoun, Lieutenant Cutler's exploits included repairing a telephone line under heavy fire, repulsing enemy tank attacks, setting up an outpost to bring fire to a road used by the enemy and, with a 25-pound field gun, demolishing a post threatening the Australian advance.

The 9th Company

In reality, the 9th Company, 345th Independent Guards Airborne Regiment was pinned down under heavy fire on Hill 3234 from 7-8 January 1988.