
unusual facts about Under Suspicion

Brian Eastman

Other movies with which he has been involved include Under Suspicion, starring Liam Neeson and Laura San Giacomo, and WILT starring Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones.

Vern Gillum

His work includes a number of episodes from dozens of television series, including, amongst others, ER, Prison Break, Walker, Texas Ranger, The Commish, Prey, Haunted,, The Twilight Zone, JAG, Nash Bridges, Gabriel's Fire, Baywatch and Under Suspicion.

see also

American military technology during World War II

The motives of President Harry Truman, the United States Army Air Force (USAAF), and the United States Navy came under suspicion, and the USAAF and Navy released statements that it was necessary in order to make Japan surrender.

Andrea Peron

Before the 2004 Tour de France, rumours surfaced in the French newspaper Le Monde that Peron, alongside other riders, was still under suspicion for using doping following a police razzia in Sanremo, Italy in June 2001.

Anna Wolkoff

She was allegedly associated with Wallis Simpson, a client of her couture business, and also under suspicion by British counter-intelligence.

Arden family

The same fate befell Edward Arden in 1583, who came under suspicion for being head of a family that had remained loyal to the Catholic Church, and was sentenced for allegedly plotting against Elizabeth I.

Bruno Contrada

Contrada had initially come under suspicion when the first pentito, Tommaso Buscetta warned the anti-Mafia prosecutor, Giovanni Falcone that in 1984, Contrada was thought to protect certain bosses, tipping them off about possible police raids.

Dan Hodges

In August 2013, Hodges expressed strong approval for David Cameron's administration ordering the border detention of David Miranda, the spouse of journalist Glenn Greenwald, under the Terrorism Act despite not being under suspicion of planning terroristic acts.

Hazim al-Shaalan

He appointed Ziyad Cattan, as the Defence Ministry's procurement chief, who has since fallen under suspicion of involvement in the greatest theft in history- embezzling $1bn intended for weapons purchase.

Hector McNeil

It was later revealed that his Secretary at the time, Guy Burgess, was a Soviet agent, although McNeil never came under suspicion.

In Eminenti Apostolatus

As a result, all Catholic participation in Masonry was prohibited, and bishops were to proceed against it "as well as inquisitors for heresy...calling upon the aid of the secular arm," as it was under suspicion of heresy, partly because of its already notorious secrecy.

Io Shirai

On May 23, 2012, Odate and Nosawa were arrested at the Narita International Airport in Narita, Chiba upon their return from Mexico to Japan under suspicion of trying to smuggle 75 grams of marijuana, hidden inside paintings of the two, into the country.

Kim Dong-ryool

The song came under suspicion because of its similarity to "The Girl Who Fell from the Sky", from the soundtrack in Studio Ghibli's animated film Laputa: Castle in the Sky.

Mowbray Howard, 6th Earl of Effingham

His first wife, Hungarian-born Maria Malvina Gertler was under suspicion by MI5 - and in fact was interned for three months in 1941 on the grounds that she was involved in the "preparation of acts prejudicial to the public safety or the defence of the realm" and held in Holloway prison.

Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen

Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen (صالح ابن عبدالرحمن حسین) is a prominent Saudi government official who fell under suspicion following the Sept 11th attacks when it was discovered that three of the hijackers, Hani Hanjour, Khalid Almihdhar, and Nawaf Alhazmi had checked into the Marriott Residence Inn in Herndon, Virginia, the same hotel he was staying at, the night before the attacks.

Valery Ivanov

As First Secretary of the Soviet Embassy to Australia, he was expelled on 22 April 1983 under suspicion of being a spy after allegedly trying to recruit Australian Labor Party member David Combe.