
unusual facts about United Europe

Igor Simčič

Simčič is, representing his work as aimed towards promotion of the United Europe, supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the President of the Italian region Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and by the Russian energy company Gazprom.

see also

European Movement International

The origins of the European Movement date to July 1947, when the cause of a united Europe was being championed by notables such as Duncan Sandys in the form of the Anglo-French United European Movement.

Metal Marines

High Commander Liften Schwaltz: Basically the right-hand man to Zorgeuf the Great, this tough German was born in Berlin shortly after World War III united Europe once again.

Ursula Hirschmann

Among the other prisoners and friends of Eugenio Colorni on Ventotene were Ernesto Rossi and Altiero Spinelli, who in 1941 co-authored the famous Ventotene Manifesto "for a free and united Europe", i.e. an early sketch of a postwar democratic European Union.