
unusual facts about United Netherlands

Herman Tollius

Among his written efforts was an edition of Apollonius Sophista titled "Apollonii Sophistae Lexicon graecum Iliadis et Odysseae" (1788), and a work on constitutional writings involving events taking place in the United Netherlands in 1786/87, — Staatkundige geschriften, betreffende eenige gewigtige gebeurtenissenin de Vereendigde Nederlanden, gedurende de jaren MDCCLXXXVI, MDCCLXXXVII, en vervolgens.

see also

Law of the Netherlands

From ancient times the low lands that became the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands (see also Dutch Republic) were ruled by a patchwork of customary law with a (depending on the region) more or less prevalent role for Roman law as a secondary source of law.

United Kingdom of the Netherlands

This state, a large part of which still exists today as the Kingdom of the Netherlands, was made up of the former Dutch Republic (Republic of the Seven United Netherlands) to the north, the former Austrian Netherlands to the south, and the former Prince-Bishopric of Liège.