
2 unusual facts about United States diplomatic cables leak

History of U.S. foreign policy

An insight into recent thinking inside the State Department was provided in November 2010 and the following months through the Wikileaks United States diplomatic cables release.

Timeline of Electronic Frontier Foundation actions

December 2010: Following the United States diplomatic cables leak, the EFF offered support to WikiLeaks, with John Perry Barlow saying the EFF was 'trying to make sure they have plenty of mirror sites, back-ups, we're organising donations for them and generally doing everything we can to see that Wikileaks is not assailable by the methods that have been used against it so far'.

Iran–Saudi Arabia relations

In November 2010, the whistle blowing website Wikileaks disclosed various confidential documents pertaining to the US and its allies which revealed that King Abdullah urged the US to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear weapons programme, describing Iran as a snake whose head should be cut off without any procrastination.

Samir Sharifov

According to leaked embassy cables, on July 11, 2006, then- U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Anne E. Derse met with Sharifov and discussed several issues.

Shivraj Patil

United States Ambassador David Mulford in an embassy cable had described his removal after Mumbai terrorists attack as inevitable and called him "inept" and "asleep on the watch".

Urano Teixeira da Matta Bacellar

On January 2011, Diplomatic cables from 2005 and 2006 released by Wikileaks in the United States diplomatic cables leak, revealed that Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernández suspected Bacellar had been assassinated by a group of contras led by Guy Philippe, a former soldier and police chief and an Haitian anti-Aristide "rebel" leader that had been armed by the USA.

see also