
10 unusual facts about University of Antwerp

Fernand Collin Prize for Law

2004 - Britt Weyts (University of Antwerp): De fout van het slachtoffer in het buitencontractueel aansprakelijkheidsrecht

1998 - Patricia Popelier (University of Antwerp): Rechtszekerheid als beginsel voor behoorlijke regelgeving

1990 - Jan Velaers: (University of Antwerp): De juridische vormgeving van de beperkingen van de vrijheid van meningsuiting

1988 - Aloïs Van Oevelen (University of Antwerp): De overheidsaansprakelijkheid voor het optreden van de rechterlijke macht

1992 - Thierry Vansweevelt (University of Antwerp): De civielrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid van de geneesheer en het ziekenhuis

Pseudogarypus synchrotron

The type specimens were first studied by paleoarachnologist Hans Henderickx of the University of Antwerp with Paul Tafforeau and Carmen Soriano, both of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility.

Raimond Gaita

In 2009, the University of Antwerp awarded Gaita the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa “for his exceptional contribution to contemporary moral philosophy and for his singular contribution the role of the intellectual in today’s academic world".

Staf Van Reet

He obtained a degree of engineering in Applied Biological Sciences and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven, Belgium) and a Law degree from the University of Antwerp (Antwerp, Belgium).

The Pale King

The first academic conference about The Pale King took place at the University of Antwerp in Belgium from September 22 to 23, 2011.

Voting advice application

A study of VAAs by the University of Antwerp ends with a plea for a careful selection of VAA statements and for a proper process of benchmarking based on survey data.

Franz Thomas Bruss

He held visiting positions at the Universities of University of Strathclyde, Zaire, University of Antwerp, Purdue University, and the Université Catholique de Louvain.

Lode Craeybeckx

The RUCA university (1965) and the UIA university (1971) were founded (both were merged with the older UFSIA in the University of Antwerp in 2003).