
unusual facts about University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy

Jelena Genčić

Parallel to sports, she graduated art history at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy and worked for decades as a television director at the state-owned television network TV Belgrade that eventually transformed into Radio Television of Serbia.

Aleksandar Bačko

Primary and high school Aleksandar Bačko graduated in Belgrade, where he have studied at the University of Belgrade's Faculty of Philosophy (department of history).

Milan Budimir

He was appointed the assistant the same year and soon the assistant professor at the Department of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy, than he was appointed Senior lecturer in 1928 and full professor in 1938.

Simo Elaković

Simo Elaković (Serbian: Симо Елаковић; born 1940 in Uskoplje, SFRY), a PhD, is a Serbian philosopher and Professor at University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy.

see also