
2 unusual facts about University of Cagliari

Gian Luigi Gessa

Under his leadership, the Department of Neuroscience of University of Cagliari was ranked twenty-third place in the world among research institutes in the field of Pharmacology (Xenobiotics, Current Contents, Life Sciences, 1993).

Gian Luigi Gessa is a professor of Neuropsychopharmacology at the University of Cagliari, where he has led for a long time the Department of Neurosciences.

Antonio Pacinotti

He was appointed as assistant to the astronomer Giovanni Battista Donati in 1862, professor at the technological institute of Bologna in 1864, professor of physics at the University of Cagliari in 1873, and, finally, successor to his father in 1881 in the chair of technological physics at the University of Pisa.

Carlo Emery

In 1878 he was appointed Professor of Zoology at the University of Cagliari, remaining there for several years until 1881 when he took up an appointment at the University of Bologna as Professor of Zoology, remaining there for thirty-five years until his death.

see also